Kölbl Kruse
Prager Straße
Commercial kitchens are found in the restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, hospitals, educational and workplace facilities, army barracks, and similar establishments.
Technological advances during industrialization brought major changes to the kitchen. The iron stoves, which enclosed the fire completely and were more efficient, appeared. Early models included the Franklin stove around 1740, which was a furnace stove intended for heating, not for cooking.
This stove was much more energy efficient than earlier stoves; it used one fire to heat several pots.
However, his stove was designed for large kitchens; it was too big for domestic use. Technological advances during industrialization brought major changes to the kitchen. Iron stoves, which enclosed the fire completely and were more efficient, appeared.
Technical advances in heating food in the 18th and 19th centuries changed the architecture of the kitchen.